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The Real Estate adventures of CAPTAIN VANCOUVER
  • The Shadow Flipper



    The ultimate risk taker in the Wild West of Real Estate…'The Shadow Flipper' is not interested in selling homes to families in the Metropolis of Vancouver. The Shadow Flipper buys homes on behalf of a consortium of shady real estate investors, then flips them before the ink has dried…sometimes multiple times. Poor unsuspecting homeowners are left on the street with little profit on their only investment. Premier Lark supposedly stepped in to stop this shady character's practice of shadow flipping by creating new rules for Realtors…but did it work? We'll that depends on if the shadow flipper is a Realtor or just a Middleman? Premier Lark's new rules don't apply to Middlemen and developers of condo presales. Meanwhile, no one really knows if the Shadow Flipper is a Realtor or a Middleman…then again when did rules ever apply to shady Characters?     Back to the 'Power of R'

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